Cuyahoga Valley National Park Census
The Cuyahoga Valley National Park bird censuses are conducted as one day surveys during May (spring) and September (fall) on a Saturday by volunteers to document species during migration. Volunteers are invited by the organizer but walk-ins are welcomed in non-Covid-19 years. Teams of birders are organized before census day and survey the same locations each year within the park boundaries. The number of volunteers and teams have increased in latter years, thus providing opportunity to cover more areas in the CVNP. Although the count is for a 24 hour day, generally most teams are out only in the morning. The counts are conducted in all weather once the specified date is established.
More DetailsSpecies and numbers of individuals are counted. The organizer collates the data and sends out a final report of the results to all the volunteers. Naturally the dates, number of volunteers and teams, habitat and weather vary from year to year, all of which have an effect on the number of birds found. Over a period of years one may see trends in the collected data. But mostly we all have fun.
In the early years of the census, there were fewer volunteers and only species were tabulated. Later we realized the importance of counting numbers of individual birds and instituted that procedure. For more information or to participate, contact Dwight Chasar at [email protected] |
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