fall into nature - 2022
Material on this page taken from the October 23, 2022 edition of "For the Birds"
GAAS file photo
about the event
Greater Akron Audubon Society partners with the UA Field Station at Bath Nature Preserve and has supported some of its many educational efforts for many years. The chapter donated the funds for the construction of a Chimney Swift tower over three years ago. The tower and its artistic design, construction and placement was a collaboration with University of Akron, Kent State University, the Field Station and Judy Semroc. The tower was officially dedicated on Saturday, October 8, 2022 during the Fall into Nature event at Bath Nature Preserve. The event was open to the public and many community groups were represented with fun family activities. Our chapter’s Board of Directors attended and took part in the day’s activities with information and activity tables. Naturalist Judy Semroc will present a program about Chimney Swifts next year at the UA Field Station. We can only hope that the birds will now find the tower and begin to use it as a nesting and roosting site.
additional Photos
The first three photos were taken by Wolfgang Pelz; the remaining three were provided by Lara Roketenetz