institute for bird populations
updated 11/15/22
In 2021, eight Audubon chapters belonging to the Council of Ohio Audubon Chapters in Ohio (COAC) made the decision to collectively partner with a research station in Ometepe Nicaragua as part of the Institute for Bird Populations’ (IBP) program called MoSI (translated into English means Monitoring Neotropical Migrants on Their Overwintering
Grounds) because many North American migratory birds over-winter in the northern Neotropics, where little is known about their ecology. To more fully understand the full lifecycles of “our” migrants, IBP connects U.S. birding groups with international partners who operate stations in 15 countries from Mexico to Colombia. To learn more about IBP and MoSI, see MoSI: Birds Connecting the Americas on Vimeo. A secondary location at Los Guatuzos was chosen to co-partner with Wabash Valley Audubon Society in Indiana.
OmetepeThe Ometepe location is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Nicaragua, the largest lake in Central America. The name Ometepe derives from Nahuati, an indigenous language spoken by the Aztecs, with ome meaning two and tepetl meaning mountain. The island was formed by two towering volcanoes that dominate the landscape.
los guatuzosThe Wabash Valley Audubon Society in Indiana identified Wood Thrushes that were banded and found to overwinter at Los Guatuzos, a locale on the south shore of Lake Nicaragua that is in a wetland complex that shares a border with Costa Rica.